A story about karma
The rebuilding of a temple that may never have existed on the site of a destroyed mosque in Ayodhya is part of a larger, decadeslong attempt by Hindu nationalists to recreate India in their own image
Alexander ‘Sasha’ Pechersky led a successful prisoner revolt at the Sobibor death camp. His story of extraordinary courage was also the story of millions of Soviet Jews who lived and died in a country that refused to acknowledge their fate.
A visit to Switzerland reveals the coming age of techno-Calvinism, created by the merger of iPhones and the new Puritan America
The terrible cost of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum’s life and actions during the Holocaust, and his later extremism
The profound weirdness of the Shoah Foundation’s hologram effort
A portrait of my father, the refusenik writer and medical scientist David Shrayer-Petrov, as a New England poet, on his 84th birthday
A dispatch from the front lines of the racially charged, vocal, violent, identitarian, anti-Zionist, anti-oppression, anti-Semitic, cultural touchstone battles over Jews, Israel, and the future of ethno-nationalist states
What does the Weather Underground’s 45-year-old manifesto have to tell us today?
A dispatch from frozen Harbin, where Jews once flourished—and melted away
Finkielkraut, attacked (and defended)
Millions of women mobilized against gender inequality and the election of Donald Trump in 2016. But only four of them ended up at the top—and the consequences have been enormous.
Understanding the Jewish billionaire—who is neither the villain of right-wing caricature, nor the angel of left-wing hagiography
Tablet Original Fiction by the author of the collection ‘Notes From the Fog’
An astonishing true story of a man’s encounter with fate
How a tiny enclave of Mountain Jews in Azerbaijan produced some of the former Soviet world’s richest men
A three-part invention
The French poet saw the coming collapse of civilization. A hundred years later, his ‘The Young Fate’ rings true anew.