The commander of Ukraine’s lethal drone unit unites homemade technology with the legacy of the Lubavitcher rebbe
97 Mangels accompany their family patriarch on a journey to the gates of the hell from which they were miraculously born
Visitors to the Rebbe’s tomb ask Hashem for help, while those davening to the golden calf of D.C. politics get spurned
What the Lubavitcher Rebbe understood about the criminal justice system
The recent deaths of Michael Schneider, David Brézis, Michael Zvi Nehorai, and Gabriella Elgrably-Berzin signal the passing of an era of excellence
And the rabbi who helped to guide him
An inspiring new take on the holiday’s most famous Talmudic tale, a story of one night, two rabbis, and a grizzly killing that we might’ve misunderstood
The Tenth of Shevat is a Hasidic commemoration that reminds us that only we have the responsibility and the ability to fix what’s broken in our lives
Finally, a potboiler religious action-thriller novel built around an ancient Jewish mystery, in Steven Pressfield’s ‘36 Righteous Men’
Boro Park, Brooklyn, late 1970s, at the nexus of a cultish hippiedom and ultra-Orthodoxy
How a visit from my dead mother led me to the Lubavitcher Rebbe and showed me the way to heal our world
A new book gives us Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson as social reformer
A parade of diverse people—poets and politicians, generals and physicians, God-fearing and disbelievers—turned to the Lubavitcher Rebbe for guidance. Why?
At the memorial for an eminent rabbi in Kazakhstan, a curious observer from New Jersey wonders if she’s witnessed a miracle
It starts with learning to ask the questions that truly matter
No, really: It’s right there in the Talmud
A new book reminds us why Menachem Schneerson’s genius for community is more vital today than ever
As Iran negotiates its nuclear deal, a look back at decades of debate by rabbis, politicians, and philosophers about the ethics of atomic warfare