Remembering the heilige yid of Manhattan’s West Side in the 1960s and ’70s
Lessons from the first day of class on Manhattan’s Upper West Side in the early 1950s
A section of West 84th Street is now known as Elie Wiesel Way, in honor of ‘the most eloquent voice for peace in our world’
The story behind the massive Hanukkiah atop a Fifth Avenue building
The evolution of Jewish American political discourse from outsider counter-culture to ‘never again a victim’
Boutique’s front window lists Israeli soldiers killed in recent Gaza operation
Director James Gray talks about basing ‘The Immigrant’ on his own family history on the Lower East Side
Tens of thousands flood lower Manhattan to challenge proposed legislation
Inwood Orthodox rabbi will host monthly services at Dichter Pharmacy
The longtime host of NPR flagship WNYC’s morning call-in show talks about being a radio mensch, Rush Limbaugh, and city politics
The late New York mayor told me he wanted to be remembered by my son Daniel Pearl’s final words: ‘I am Jewish.’
Congregants gathering at the famously liberal B’nai Jeshurun may not know about a dark chapter in its past
A 24-year-old Jewish Upper West Sider helps run the most important Arab-American organization in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, home to 35,000 Arabs
A show of early paintings by Eva Hesse at the Brooklyn Museum neglects the Jewish history that framed and influenced her art
A 2006 Woody Allen film festival in Manhattan screened more than 30 of the New York master’s movies. One writer tried to go to every one of them.
13-story plan supported by ‘Jewish Uncle Tom’ Stringer
Why Jewish producers kept Jewish women off stage and screen
Getting under the cheerful surface of historical signage