How to write? With love, says the author.
How Sefton Goldberg saved my life
Hannah gets some unexpected news, Woody Allen and Saul Bellow get name dropped, and Ray confronts his own mortality
A cautionary tale: ‘The Death’s Head Chess Club’ and other period fantasies are the inevitable next thing in Shoah fiction
‘This is a report on a library trip to Israel from a bookish girl who is now a bookish old lady’
New novels answer Irving Howe’s question: Can we accept aesthetic pleasure in a book about the Shoah?
The key to Christopher Hitchens wasn’t his iconoclasm; it was his desire for belonging—and the proof can be found in an unexpected place
In his letters, Saul Bellow was thoughtful, eloquent, feisty—and quite possibly at his most Jewish
Hitchens and Amis on English anti-Semitism
Our official Man Booker nominee
In his new memoir, Christopher Hitchens recounts the rich history of his public crusades