At a moment of peak social media outrage, Taylor Lorenz’s debut book, ‘Extremely Online,’ feels quaintly dated
How the overhyped environmental dangers of single-use plastic straws were turned into a great moral crusade by a 9-year-old
How Anthony Fauci manufactured consensus on the origins of COVID-19 with the help of science writers and the media
Progressive activists repeat the sins of the past
Careless claims that the U.S. blew up the Nord Stream pipelines cover for the real scandals of the Biden administration
What the rumors about a conservative star reveal about the new media empires of the online right
What Biden’s classified document scandal reveals about power in America
Just look at how it’s treated in the media
How the media created the myth of Sam Bankman-Fried
By ‘ratioing’ NBC’s Dasha Burns for questioning John Fetterman’s health, her fellow journalists hid the truth from the public but exposed how they manufacture consent
In 1980s Oakland, a small Jewish magazine was doing something all its own
Woke professionals acting as the indentured servants of a fearful oligarchy have become everything we were told to fear from Trumpism
How the blue stack created the false impression that one of its COVID enemies also happened to be a vicious bigot
The welding of media, government bureaucracy, big corporations, and banking together into a partisan weapon to punish dissenters points the way toward an ugly future
Masks have never worked. Testing has always been problematic. Kids were never high-risk. The past has never been altered. Welcome to the COVID consensus, circa midterms 2022.
For over a year the media enforced falsehoods about the pandemic’s origins, never evaluated the evidence, never apologized, and was never held accountable
Casting scientists as polarizing media figures has proved a disservice to both science and the public
Throughout 2020, the media reported a ‘scientific consensus’ about the pandemic’s origins without providing any information about its investigations