Artists and politicians clash anew over age-old questions: Should the government help pay for art? And if so, does it get to pick and choose favorites?
It’s filmmakers versus the Minister of Culture in a struggle for the future of Israeli cinema
Israeli offerings at the celebrated film festival are lackluster, and even the oligarchs seem cowed in a glamour industry facing its reckoning
From surfing in Gaza to the New Wave in France, plenty of offerings help Israelis escape reality for a spell
Israel’s Culture Minister made a political statement by wearing a dress with the Jerusalem skyline printed on it
Israeli leftists are no strangers to sudden electoral defeats. Is there anything American liberals can learn from them?
Following the death of pop star Gabi Shoshan—who, like many of Israel’s veteran artists, struggled financially—Israel’s Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev announced the creation of a new ‘nostalgic’ radio station
The Israeli prime minister’s office, like the 007 franchise, could use a reboot
Tel Aviv riot was incited by some politicians; political failure is general