How the elite defense of ‘our democracy’ became a mask for ethnic prejudice
Kobi Oz might be the most influential musician in Israel. His songs brought Mizrahi stylings into the mainstream, painting a vivid portrait of a place coming to terms with its Middle Eastern identity.
Composer and bassist Omer Avital joins American jazz with Israeli and Arab styles, especially Yemeni and Moroccan, to create music with a new and vital connection to a shared Middle Eastern past
Yosef Shiloach, who died Monday, was Israel’s greatest comic actor, but his films helped the country grapple with its most serious issues
A tragedy in Israel lets the ‘ethnic genie’ out of the bottle
Struggling to maintain a Mizrahi heritage in an Ashkenazi-dominated culture
A new book examines the world of Israel’s ‘Arab Jews’
Caught with his pants down, Israel’s president pleads prejudice
Galeet Dardashti finds the Israeli audience her grandfather never had