A review of recent scholarship on the shaping of the modern Middle East in the aftermath of the Holocaust, and how Islamist hate has roots in Nazi antisemitism.
Ibraheem Samirah once suggested Israel was worse than the KKK, now he’s running for office in Virginia
To avoid our own failed ‘American Spring,’ learn the region’s lessons about effective opposition
Why do so many Americans mistake what typically signals a failure of democracy for democracy itself?
How virulent contagions of political fanaticism spread across the globe—or, what the Muslim Brotherhood and its descendants share with The Little Red Book
An Interview With Abdul Halim Khaddam, the former Vice President and Foreign Minister of Syria
Arab frustration at Hamas has exposed changing attitudes toward Israel
Three years after Mubarak’s fall, the country is toying with global irrelevance—except as a possible terror exporter
Plus a rabbi’s take on Inside Llewyn Davis, and more in the news
The group has maintained an uneasy status quo despite losing key allies in Tehran, Damascus, and Cairo
Gen. Sisi holds de facto power but with elections looming must now decide whether to legitimize his rule with a presidential run
Plus Hosni Mubarak’s encyclopedia of ailments
Releasing the 85-year-old former president will only further divide the country
Plus former president Hosni Mubarak will reportedly be released from jail
As leaders scramble for answers, new figures place death toll at 525
Fortunately, Iron Dome knocked the down missile
Who will crack first: The Egyptian military or the Brotherhood?
Violence also claims a Jewish American college student in Alexandria