The leader of Myanmar has been widely condemned for her seeming disinterest in the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya minority in her country
Dispatch from Aung Mingalar, Myanmar, where more than 4,000 Rohingya live separated, just across the road, from the rest of the city
The plight of an oppressed people in Myanmar
Casting a ballot with Sammy Samuels, the leader of Yangon’s minuscule Jewish community
Sammy Samuels will continue his father’s legacy by making sure the gate of the synagogue remains ‘unlocked.’
The third-generation caretaker of the country’s only synagogue and Jewish cemetery has died
Dispatch from an old hill station on the road to Mandalay, where prosperous Jews once summered
A visit with Than Than Nu, whose father U Nu welcomed Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, and Moshe Sharett to Rangoon