The novelist sees troubling links between the church and the military
The author and others speak in a new film about his life and work
Nathan Englander’s revealing new play The Twenty-Seventh Man dramatizes Stalin’s murder of gifted Yiddish writers
With The Lawgiver, the best-selling novelist takes another stab at the kind of Hollywood fame he’s always coveted
Plus Settlers of Canaan, Myra Kraft honored, and more
In the new collected stories of Nathan Englander, and in his revised Haggadah, Jews cling tenuously to the easily broken chains of tradition
One of those Upper West Side evenings
The Holocaust, Israel, and Jewish identity
Your Vox Tablet preview
Why a growing number of today’s young Jewish fiction writers—including two of the finalists for the Sami Rohr Prize being awarded tonight—are grounding their novels in scholarly research
From the classic to the newfangled: haggadahs for Seders of every shape, size, and stripe
Upcoming author panel to be moderated by The Scroll!
Who will make The New Yorker’s under-40 cut?
How nine fiction writers handled the theme of the seventh day
Nathan Englander unearths stories that many in Argentina would just as soon forget
Wendy Shalit wrongfully accuses authors of misrepresenting the Orthodox