The foreign policy establishment that led us into Iraq finds itself in its own Never Trump desert
Former ‘Commentary’ editor Norman Podhoretz recently said he would ‘not bet [his] life on anything about Trump,’ but has even less regard for Clinton. His son, John, wants to convince him otherwise.
In Notes on a Century, the historian is still optimistic about a ‘great civilization’ in the Muslim world
The Canadian magazine Adbusters sparked the Occupy Wall Street movement. It also has a weakness for Israel-bashing conspiracy theories.
Neoconservatives about-face on U.S. envoy to Syria
Out of love with version 1.0, ‘Commentary’ finds Michele Bachmann
Friends and Politics, Part 3: Norman Podhoretz. The neoconservative icon and I weren’t personally close, but we shared a more important bond, over the struggle to defend Israel and American Jewry.
Franzen gets much right, but gets D.C. neocons wrong
Guy’s on like 80 million boards, which all say the same thing
In a new history of neconservatism, Senator Henry ‘Scoop’ Jackson emerges as a pivotal figure
How Jewish conservatives blew it on Iraq and Iran
Remembering Arnold Beichman
‘Journal,’ ‘TNR,’ Podhoretz, others eulogize
BREAKING: Godfather of neoconservatism was 89
Will it lose its balanced Israel stance?
Whittaker Chambers, Lionel Trilling and the anti-Communist turn