Invoking the Holocaust, and comparing the persecution of Jews to that of Syrian refugees, has become a consensus take. But no one has bothered to identify the murderous culprit.
Karski’s foundation will present the ‘New York Times’ columnist with its leadership award on Tuesday—a poor choice given that Kristof has failed to confront Iran’s Holocaust denial or its sponsorship of Assad
Clear goals and a ruthless enemy mean public opinion is with Israel—for now
Nicholas Kristof’s totally reasonable, utterly delusional recipe for peace
Audiences may not feel quite so good about the new George Clooney film once they learn the full story behind WWII art rescue efforts
The Christian right, radical Islamists, and secular leftists agree: this atheist is America’s most dangerous man
The Crisis of Zionism, his book arguing that the Israeli occupation alienates young American Jews, is sloppy with facts and emotionally contrived