On the 76th anniversary of the Trinity nuclear test that heralded the Atomic Age, a scientist looks at why so few countries have acquired nukes since then—and how that could change
The atomic bombing over Japan 75 years ago today marked the beginning of an era we are only now fully coming into
Israel’s ‘Begin Doctrine,’ a commitment to prevent rival regional powers from acquiring nuclear weapons, risks becoming unenforceable—but it’s not clear what comes next
74 years to the day after the Trinity nuclear test ushered in the nuclear age, are we any closer to knowing the men who carried the moral burden of the world on their shoulders? Louisa Hall’s recent novel spins out some ideas.
The former George W. Bush administration adviser and diplomat talks Iran, North Korea, and other NatSec issues
Iran Week: Here’s what we know about Iran’s secret ballistic missile and nuclear technological exchanges with the defiant rogue state of North Korea
The Soviet refusenik recalls the politics that led to the founding of the Helsinki Group 40 years ago today
The nuclear age began 70 years ago today
As Iran negotiates its nuclear deal, a look back at decades of debate by rabbis, politicians, and philosophers about the ethics of atomic warfare
Obama is taking out the failure of his Iran policy on its opponents
In an excerpt from ‘Nuclear Iran,’ calculating, with scientific precision, just how far Iran has come in its quest for the bomb
A scary incident in Austria shows that in the standoff against Iran, Europe is not standing up to the mullahs
Chuck Hagel will be secretary of Defense, and Iran will go nuclear. So much for an all-powerful Israel Lobby.
If North Korea has the bomb, as this week’s nuclear test indicated, then for all practical purposes, so does Iran
If the past few weeks are any guide, it looks like the open feud between Jerusalem and Washington is over
At least until the U.S. presidential election, Netanyahu won’t risk angering Obama
The White House’s line—that a strike can only delay the program—is an attempt to downplay our military capability
Three days in, and we have yet to really meet the locals