The two-state solution has been dead for decades. A one-state solution frightens Israelis and Palestinians alike. Is three the magic number for peace?
Peter Beinart thinks Jews don’t need Zionism. That’s because he’s never needed it himself.
American interests will be worse off without two states. But it’s time to consider how we might make the best of that bad situation.
The leaders of the BDS Movement seek to impose a one-state solution in the Middle East. Palestinians and Israelis beg to differ.
An overeager media, searching for signs of a dramatic Trump shift on Israel that hasn’t come, reported one that hasn’t even materialized
From condominialism to a confederation, hybrid alternatives to the one-state and two-state paradigms have been picking up steam
Eliaz Cohen believes one way to break the one-state/two-state dichotomy might be to combine them, in an attempt to avoid ‘righting a wrong’ by creating another wrong
Three steps the pro-Israel community should take today
Why Israel will soon be the only state able to govern Judea and Samaria, and the only military force capable of securing its borders
Ian Lustick imagines a liberal utopia, contra Peter Beinart, who says Jews must listen to Palestinians even if we can’t agree
In his last book, the late intellectual Tony Judt is sharp as ever—offering biting comments about American Jews, Israel, and his ex-wives
Israeli President Shimon Peres reflects on his mentor, his peace partner, and whether the State of Israel will survive