The Obama-Biden blueprint after Gaza
Witnessing the Armenian genocide, Sarah Aaronsohn became a spy and helped the British defeat the Ottoman Empire
An overlooked golden age of Jewish culture flowered in the cities of Istanbul, Edirne, Salonica, Izmir, Aleppo, Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, and Alexandria—where almost no Jews live today
With many regions of the Middle East mired in ongoing turmoil, what is the legacy of the Sykes-Picot Agreement?
A tour of the cemeteries maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission reveals oases of calm—but few living visitors
The Syrian civil war puts Moscow’s relations with the West, Turkey, the Gulf States, and Israel to a serious test
The country wants a reasonable $500 billion for Israel’s years in Sinai
Newt Gingrich says the Palestinians are an “invented people.” They are, like many others in the Middle East. It’s a useful myth the U.S. must support.
Nationalism plays a vital role in Egyptian life, and its influence—despite Arab nationalism’s frequent association with dictatorial regimes—could be a key bulwark against religious extremism there
Raja Shehadeh’s new memoir joins a growing list of literary works on Palestinian life before Israel. But do they tell the whole story?
The mighty culinary reach of the Ottoman Empire
Jonathan Schneer’s history of the Balfour Declaration frames a still-unfolding struggle
Moses Montefiore was an observant Jew who helped forge an international Jewish public
A new book explores the rich history of Turkey’s Dönme, Sephardic Jews who converted to Islam in the 1600s
Grigoris Balakian was the Primo Levi of the Armenian Genocide. Ninety years later, his memoir is published in English.
An introduction to the beguiling melodies of maftirim
Journalist Amy Dockser Marcus talks with Sara Ivry about the the rival interests that energized the city a century ago