In the midst of a war, the Passover Seder offers a chance to find something we can all agree on, even if we disagree about everything else
His 1945 address to American troops drew a lasting connection between the Passover story and the nation’s consciousness
This year, our family will mark Passover, Easter, and Ramadan at the same time—and honor the three religions that contributed to my children’s heritage
Elijah. He’s not just for Passover anymore.
Before there was Maxwell House, there was Mrs. Philip Cowen’s ‘Seder Service’
A Passover celebration makes its own kind of noise, whether it comes from a superstar cantor, a jumble of tone-deaf relatives, or Eugene Levy
It’s tempting to draw parallels to American slavery, but the Bible paints a very different picture
Memories of an incomplete Seder
What shards of unleavened bread can teach us about the nature of faith
How one scientist celebrated one wintry Passover at the bottom of the world, 25 years ago
Revisiting Arthur Waskow and his Freedom Seder
My grandfather’s been buying ‘shmurah’ matzo for more than six decades. He’s got the receipts to prove it—somewhere.
Passover offers us a ray of hope during the pandemic
More than a century after Boris Schatz—known as ‘Mr. Bezalel’—brought his wares to America, his impact endures on our Seder tables
Why do we need a long Talmud tractate about Passover, a holiday we already know well?
As we yearn for our own freedom in this time of quarantine and isolation, the prophet shows us how it’s done
On Passover, celebrating our family’s arrival in Canada
How one not-quite-biblical book gives us a very different read on the familiar Passover story