Non-Orthodox seminaries try to adapt to changing communal needs—and shrinking enrollment
As more Orthodox women, LGBTQI Jews, and people of color get ordained, rabbis reflect an increasingly diverse community
Distance seminaries are training rabbis in less time, for less money, than traditional seminaries—and synagogues are hiring them
The great book lover, who died of COVID-19 in Jerusalem on Friday, sends in his final correction
Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, who died of the coronavirus at 89, was a person of deeds who wanted to inspire us. How can we emulate him?
After decades of uneasy homeownership, my wife and I moved into a small apartment and discovered that the Sages were right
To urge unity, not division, through healthy debate
My youthful admiration for religious teachers, and my desire to please and even emulate them, ultimately helped me connect with myself as a Jewish adult
The president-elect of Yeshiva University shares a message with his newest graduates as they begin their rabbinic careers
The German-Jewish immigrant was married for 76 years and served Chicago’s Emanuel Congregation for 30 years, serving as an educator well into his retirement
Here are 10 religious leaders who are having a big impact in a small country
Yeshiva University student Akiva Neuman performed admirably on ‘American Ninja Warrior’
The Rabbinical Council of America’s redundant resolution forbidding the ordination or recognition of female rabbis has prompted a new generation of Orthodox women to respond
You might not know their names, but their influence is felt in every denomination, in every corner of the country
My friend was recorded in a mikveh by a rabbi. Let’s ensure the end of this abuse of power.
Rome’s former Chief Rabbi helped hide Jews during the Holocaust, initiated dialogue with Vatican
Abraham Heschel and others marched with Martin Luther King
Comments made on his personal website have generated a harsh condemnation