Four important cases in the last sitting highlight the role of minority religions in defining our shared hierarchy of social values
How the mayor put New York City in legal jeopardy while endangering public health
A new bill in Quebec prohibiting some public displays of religious symbols would bar observant Jews from serving in courts and classrooms
Four decades ago, I witnessed the court fail to protect the religious freedom of employees. Next week, it may finally redeem itself and grant religious Americans the protection they deserve.
The justices didn’t quite settle the big questions pertaining to religious liberties versus LGBTQ rights, but gave us some useful clarifications regardless
Growing up, I was taught not to pledge allegiance to America, a country built on a promise of racial equality that’s crumbled in front of our eyes
The secular republic debates how best to contain and suppress the Islamist movement
Constitutional Court rules that ban violates religious freedom
It’s not because they oppose contraception
The best way to erode religious liberty is to make it a partisan issue
A look, by the numbers