After my mother died, I couldn’t recite the High Holiday prayer anymore—until I gained a new understanding of its words
Just because you’re in synagogue doesn’t mean you have to read what’s in the prayer book
The poem ‘Unetaneh Tokef’ reminds us that we can change our own character, even if we cannot completely control our future
Rabbis and congregants alike have made synagogue dull. But together we can make it more meaningful and more compelling.
Prayer shouldn’t be a spectator sport. So why do so many shuls insist that congregants sit in silence?
The second day of some Jewish holidays is mandated by rabbinic tradition, not Torah law. In today’s world, they’re increasingly hard to observe.
From an iPhone shofar to smart Siddurs, the software company founded by twins Barry and Ronnie Schwartz dominates the Jewish app market
After the Arab Spring, a summer of Israeli protests, and the Palestinian bid for statehood, what will rabbis say in their High Holiday sermons?
Rosh Hashanah resolutions from Matisyahu, Michael Showalter, Ayelet Waldman, and others
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