These popular cookies, filled with fruit and nuts, are surprisingly easy to make
A tour of the Lower East Side’s historic shuls brought me closer to my father
How minister’s daughter Melissa Weller became the queen of bagels and babka
Baking my grandmother’s rugelach helps me hold on to her—and pass on her memory to the next generation
While this rolled, filled cookie has its roots in Europe, the version you know and love is a New World creation
Could the classic Jewish pastry be the next cronut?
An excerpt from Stars of David: Prominent Jews Talk About Being Jewish
If you hate beets, you probably haven’t had them prepared properly. Here’s a dessert that’ll have you seeing red—in a good way.
In ‘Nosh on This,’ a husband and wife create a cookbook with gluten-free recipes for everything from rugelach to hamantashen
After a decade in Tel Aviv, European-trained baker Uri Scheft brings his Breads to Manhattan
L.A.’s top chefs come together—and cook kosher—to honor Project Chicken Soup founder Mollie Pier
Markowitz squares off against Bloomberg on proposed soda ban
Jewish food festivals across the South offer a regional twist on traditional recipes—and the best place to find corned beef in barbecue country
Schnecken and rugelach, though often mistaken for each other and both delicious examples of Jewish baking, are pastries with distinct histories and routes to American popularity
Knowing your kichel from your babka
Is that rugelach in my scoop?
After 90 years, a Lower East Side institution shut its doors