The late senator embodied the classical republican virtue of aristocracy, yet he was not above the barbarous opportunism that brought us Sarah Palin, and her political heirs
Former New York City mayor Ed Koch, who died today, spoke to Tablet in 2011 about politics and Judaism
In major address, Obama is attacked for his values
The past few months there’s been a rash of chutzpah sightings—that is, lots of public uses of the Yiddish word, if not any more actual chutzpah than usual. The best part: It’s even being used correctly.
Rosa Luxemburg was a Marxist activist in early 20th-century Berlin, murdered by her political enemies after World War I. She’s the topic of the debut edition of “Long Story Short,” a new podcast on people and ideas in Jewish life.
Republicans are once again arguing that American Jews will abandon the Democratic Party. But it won’t happen, because Jews recoil from the GOP’s overt Christianity, even when it comes with staunch pro-Israel views.
Nadav Samin was a nice Jewish boy in Brooklyn who made it big at a key moment in hip-hop history and then walked away to take up Middle East studies. Now it turns out he never really left rap behind.
Out of love with version 1.0, ‘Commentary’ finds Michele Bachmann
Newt Gingrich has long relied on the financial largesse of casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, a Republican Jewish Coalition leader. But now the money man is facing trouble, and that could be the former speaker’s undoing.
Buddy Korn, the founder of the group Jewish Americans for Sarah Palin, is an ex-Maoist rabbi’s son looking to mobilize disenchanted coreligionists with Tea Party rhetoric
Twenty years after the fall of the USSR, the 1990s wave of Russian-Jewish immigrants is a reliably Republican voting bloc. But as their children assimilate, Russian Jews’ politics get harder to pin down.
Guess who’s coming to Israel
Why she meant it, and why it’s the ADL’s turn to talk
Will Israel be the field of the forthcoming GOP civil war?
Why it’s his fault that Glenn Beck is free to be Glenn Beck
No one takes a run more seriously than the White House
Tea Party goes all philo-Semitic
Clear on developers’ rights, less on wisdom