Israel’s maybe-future left-wing female prime minister hates Bibi-ism, and officiates at non-Orthodox weddings
To better understand the settler movement today, look to new thinkers like Rav Shagar, not the foundational minds of Ravs Kook, Amital, and Lichtenstein
On the 50th anniversary of the start of the Six-Day War, pondering the myth-making stories that define Judaism
Because there is no aggressive surge—in fact settlements have not grown in years
Shimon Dotan’s ‘strongly articulated’ political documentary focuses on the fanatics on the front lines of the battle over the land of Israel
The defense attorney says he works to protect the law and due process in Israel, not the violent ideology of his clients
They reject modern political states and their institutions. They want to return to an imagined earlier era of religious order. They are extreme, fundamentalist, and violent. What separates so-called Hilltop Youth from young Jihadis?
The late Kookist leader’s belief in spirituality over politics also has a message for Israel’s religious right
Jewish group invokes notorious Goebbels propaganda film in new video
Why Israel will soon be the only state able to govern Judea and Samaria, and the only military force capable of securing its borders