In difficult times, Jews are finding comfort in familiar things: challah, candles, and Friday night dinner
How mourning the loss of Friday Shabbat dinners turned into savoring Saturday nights with my non-Jewish in-laws
Large gatherings on Friday nights are out, but baking challah is on the rise
Tired of the same old roast chicken? Try chraime, a spicy fish dish that’s a Friday night staple for Jews from North Africa.
Carciofi alla giudìa dates back to the 16th century
The mega-dinner was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records
Tebit, a sticky, sweet chicken dish traditionally served on Shabbat, is gaining popularity—for good reason
After the dish rescued my family from a robbery, I traveled the world searching for new ways to cook it
Friday night dinner wouldn’t be the same without this Jewish staple. Here’s the tastiest recipe you’ll find.
Ten years after Sept. 11, in a Lower Manhattan neighborhood that hasn’t had a dedicated Jewish sanctuary since before the Civil War, a new synagogue opens
On Shabbat, the day of rest, cooking is prohibited. But for a chef-turned-rabbinical student, cooking is key to celebration, and food prepared in advance will never taste as good.
Making Palestinian chicken and Moroccan challah for a Shabbat dinner with Alice Waters