My niece Shirley’s big day was a spark of light in the darkness
The Jewish community is learning strategies for defending our Muslim neighbors
T’ruah gathers in New York to galvanize activists in the pulpit
‘Rabbi’s condemning the violence while not condemning the community’s role in this hatred is unacceptable’
Accepted by the mainstream Jewish community, some gays now feel excluded at New York’s premier LGBT synagogue
The Soviet Jewish émigré and the founder of an American organization for LGBT Russian-speakers says, ‘We’re all activists now’
Sharon Kleinbaum and Michael Miller named to mayoral transition team
Trained in erotic massage and queer spiritual counseling, Rabbi David Dunn Bauer comes back to the New York shul where he started
For Sharon Kleinbaum—friend of Christine Quinn, partner to Randi Weingarten—the personal is political
As mainstream acceptance grows—along with membership—gay congregations face unexpected questions
The case of Edie Windsor finds allies in the Jewish community
Sharon Kleinbaum of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah is ‘delighted.’
Daily Beast’s list’s Jewish women on being Jewish women
Manhattan congregation’s first permanent space boasts Assyrian art
In The Bible Now, two scholars look for modern answers to pressing political questions—from gay marriage to capital punishment—in the Bible. The problem is that such an exercise is unnecessary.