Israel’s former internal security service chief decries the threat of religious Zionism left unchecked in Judea and Samaria
Charges against the grandson of Meir Kahane remain unclear, but he will be held for five days
Palestinian and Israeli inmates take cover alongside guards when sirens blare
Israeli author Amos Oz’s provocative public statement has a logical flaw
Shin Bet reportedly arrested three men in connection with the ‘advanced’ plan
Wael Abu Reda, last seen in Egypt, being held for ‘security crimes’
‘Zero Dark Thirty’ and the Israeli documentary ‘The Gatekeepers’ are up for Academy Awards. Only one should win.
Plus Romney joins call for moment of silence at the Olympics
They may smell imminent attack; they may also smell imminent elecitons
Israel has kept Rabin’s assassin Yigal Amir in solitary confinement for more than 15 years while allowing him to father a child. In the context of exceptionally pro-natalist fertility policies, this seeming paradox makes sense.
Former Mossad chief is Netanyahu’s new unofficial domestic opponent
This week in Israel: Goldstone concedes a mistake, social workers end their strike, doctors start one, a Palestinian engineer is accused of terror, the state warns against Egyptian vacations, and more
And Spain isn’t laughing
Spy games, evading the next Holocaust, and more
Spy vs. spy intrigue between the CIA and Israel, centered around the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv
And he now has choice words for daddy’s group