Disney Plus’s new flagship show raises questions about its mysterious hero
The Last Jedi, the story of a community that abandons its religion for an ephemeral universalist creed, can feel like a documentary about American Jews
Jewish actor Alden Ehrenreich was officially introduced as Han Solo during a Star Wars panel in London
Your new Star Wars star is Alden Ehrenreich, a ‘Jewish prince of the Palisades’ who was discovered after a video he made with a buddy was shown at a bat mitzvah
Many narratives from Star Wars and Jewish history run parallel. Will ‘The Force Awakens’ get back to basics?
Gut-check inspiration from a midnight first showing of ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’
Devotees of Star Wars and the Bible have something in common: they have expanded the universes of each text through sheer creativity, even taking ownership of them along the way
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was a Star Wars fanatic. But now—as an adult, an Orthodox Jew, and a parent concerned about Hollywood’s morals—I’m resisting the urge to see the new movie.
J.J. Abrams’s reboot features an X-wing resistance starfighter named Ello Atsy. A new trailer for the most Jewish Star Wars to-date premieres Monday night.
Musical team Strouse and Adams wrote songs for a ‘Star Wars’ musical that never happened. It doesn’t sound pretty.
Jew or Jew not. There is no try.
Comment of the Week
The newest George Lucas production, Red Tails, forces a Star Wars nerd to come to terms with a troubling philosophy
An Israeli strike against the Iranian nuclear program would be tougher today than a few years ago, but it would still be likely to succeed
Plus an evening with Salinger, and more
Faced with a story I wanted to start but felt certain I couldn’t, I turned to the literary gods. Now Harold Bloom owes me $213.27.
Or Moses, the original Dr. Manhattan?