Between 1940 and 1944 a clandestine network of Polish diplomats and their Jewish partners in Switzerland created illegal Latin American passports that saved thousands of lives. Half of the documents were forged by one person—Polish Vice Consul in Berne Konstanty Rokicki.
A visit to Switzerland reveals the coming age of techno-Calvinism, created by the merger of iPhones and the new Puritan America
Voices from Europe: Questions of identity, visibility follow a move to Basel
Führer’s face mistakenly appeared on 2,000 dairy containers in Switzerland
Attacker yelled ‘Juden Raus’ at man visiting Davos with his wife and four kids
No longer a punishable criminal offense if used as a personal statement
Plus Israel strikes back at Lebanon, and more in the news
A friendship with an ambassador reveals the great writer’s surprising relationship with Israel
Germany’s challenge to Jewish tradition focuses on individual rights, but what about our bodies’ sanctity?
U.N. watchdog warns ‘non-Muslim minorities in the Mideast’
Though law doesn’t affect them, concern still felt