Don’t call yourselves progressives if you put up with religiously zealous, violent maniacs like Hamas
David Frum was once GOP royalty. But as his party has moved rightward, the former Bush speechwriter sounds more and more like a Democrat.
Barack Obama isn’t to blame for the Tea Party’s surge. Liberals are. And if they want him to win re-election in 2012, they better listen to Moses and learn how to take initiative.
With a looming deadline, deep-seated distrust, and competing claims to resources, Washington’s effort to reach a debt deal is a stateside version of the ongoing quest for Israeli-Palestinian peace
The Jewish state’s strongest supporters (and leader) don’t want it politicized
NYT profile of David Barton omits white supremacist past
A tale of two (unrelated) Schillers
The Zeitgeist movement is the first Internet-based apocalyptic cult, centered around a doomsday-proclaiming film and an ideology filled with classic anti-Semitic tropes
Is Rand Paul about to start a GOP civil war?
Today on Tablet
The gunman arrested in connection with the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the deaths of at least five others was clearly delusional, but was he influenced by the toxic rhetoric coursing through the country today?
Joe Straus, the Republican speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, has been targeted by the Tea Party. The anti-Semitic attacks against him suggest not all politics is local.
Will Israel be the field of the forthcoming GOP civil war?
What Jacob—the hero of this week’s parasha—and the Tea Party can teach us about politics
GOP gains empower Cantor, not Schumer
Jon Stewart’s ‘Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear’ was a wasted opportunity for liberals
Although it’s too late for Carl Paladino
Glenn Beck’s favorite ‘historian’ enlists the Founding Fathers in a battle against diversity