A French television drama shows courage in depicting the true scope of the country’s crimes during the Holocaust, which it then washes away in a bizarre assertion of moral equivalence
And why that isn’t necessarily true for other minorities
Rokhl’s Golden City: How Yiddish entered American pop culture, and how American pop culture penetrated the Yiddish vernacular
‘Insatiable’s’ Jewish joke encapsulates everything wrong with the show
The late television producer famed for ‘Hill Street Blues’ and ‘L.A. Law’ was more than just a great storyteller
A new book looks at the women—in particular, the Jewish women—who are changing television
In life and on screen, Frasier’s TV dad was a real mensch
The fourth season of ‘Transparent’ poses a real conundrum: Why are these people so awful?
This fall season, Hollywood finally catches up with kabbalistic notions of repetition and reincarnation, giving us all one more shot at working through the stories of our lives
The author might’ve been an anti-Semite, but his final creation, the ambitious producer Monroe Stahr, is a complex and fascinating character
One’s a little bit silly, the other a lot like the Talmud
In an op-ed for The New York Times, Lewinsky muses on how the late Roger Ailes turned television—via her relationship with Bill Clinton—into a ‘modern coliseum…of shame and vitriol’
The show’s groundbreaking portrayal of abuse among the upscale punctures a damaging myth
Josh Bowman and Adam Pally are starring in two new shows, for ABC and FOX respectively, in which they go back to the past looking for adventure
The son of European Jewish immigrants, Joseph A. Wapner became a television star presiding over ‘The People’s Court.’ He died over the weekend at 97.
National Geographic’s first scripted series is about the Nobel Prize-winning physicist
‘There was one lesson that Sister Maxie and Father Gus didn’t cover, for it was a lesson that could only be taught by the half-Jewish, half-Christian boy of my TV dreams’
Everything from Israel’s Best Picture winners to its top drama series are now available to foreign audiences, thanks to online streaming and English subtitles