J.J. Abrams’s reboot features an X-wing resistance starfighter named Ello Atsy. A new trailer for the most Jewish Star Wars to-date premieres Monday night.
Court battles replace rap battles as the band pledges no new music or tours
New ‘Morning Phase’—six years after his last album and 21 since becoming a loser, baby—shows the Gen-Xer just getting started
Jews in a mostly black genre, the Beastie Boys are nevertheless one of the only acts making authentic hip-hop, as their classic Licensed to Ill proves
Nadav Samin was a nice Jewish boy in Brooklyn who made it big at a key moment in hip-hop history and then walked away to take up Middle East studies. Now it turns out he never really left rap behind.
Plus another flotilla planned, a Goldstone primer, and more
Plus eat bagels not bombs, and more
A new film examines footage staged by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto
The Beastie Boys grew up, and so did I