Though officially an exercise in change and progress, Rahm Emanuel’s inauguration as Chicago’s first Jewish mayor was nonetheless steeped in well-worn myths and traditions
Rahm Emanuel, who will become the first Jewish mayor of Chicago, shied away from discussing his religion during the campaign, but he couldn’t escape Jewish exceptionalism
As Rahm Emanuel’s campaign for mayor of Chicago heads toward victory, he’s sending different messages—not a Boss, gay-friendly, disciplined, even rabbinical—to different audiences
After his successful response to a massive snow storm helped burnish Rahm Emanuel’s candidacy for Chicago mayor, the local press is trying to find ‘Bad Rahm’ hidden inside the new, well-mannered version
After the Illinois Supreme Court put Rahm Emanuel back on the Chicago mayoral ballot, all he has left to do is win
Rahm Emanuel, in the midst of a rough-and-tumble campaign, was just denied a spot on the mayoral ballot. Was the move Chicago politics as usual, or has Emanuel’s Judaism come into play?
How Goliath became David (for a day)
Rahm Emanuel won’t be Chicago’s next mayor, because the city won’t elect a Jew