A star physicist teaches us how to read the Torah, book by book. The second installment: Exodus.
Thousands of people signed up for our Simchat Torah Challenge, embarking on a yearlong journey of studying the parsha—the weekly Torah portion. Here’s why some of them are taking part, and what they hope to find.
What two people from different backgrounds discovered about each other—and themselves—by studying the weekly parsha together
Israel must stop pretending it is a nation like any other
In a recent sexual abuse case in Israel, some religious leaders misused Torah to justify silence and complicity. Maybe a closer look at the story of David and Bathsheba can help us do what’s right rather than defend the worst.
There’s no greater source of wisdom
How does He spend his divine time?
In an age of super powerful artificial intelligences, will we be able to trust machine translations of our most sacred texts?
This week’s ‘Daf Yomi’ Talmud study dives into a foundational puzzle of the religion
The right-wing pundit spoke at Yeshiva University this week and said, ‘Transgender people are unfortunately suffering from a significant mental illness’
I’ve fought for gay rights in the courtroom and have seen same-sex marriage become the law of the land. Despite narrow interpretations, I argue the belief in God is not inimical to the concept of change.
How learning to ‘leyn’ Torah helped me connect with long-lost ancestors
As a boy, I feared dropping the Torah scrolls, or writing marginalia in other texts. But I overcame that anxiety once I entered academe, whose doors were opened by great Jewish thinkers before my time
Congregations die, and other congregations need their Torah scrolls
Creating special Torah coverings—often from discarded scraps of fabric—has a long history for Italian women
In an excerpt from Chanan Tigay’s new ‘The Lost Book of Moses,’ a historical detective tracks down what could be the original Book of Deuteronomy
The Book of Esther represents a turning point in Jewish history: the demonization of the Jews
Female artists reinterpret scripture as part of the exhibit ‘Women of the Book’