As Congress investigates the Twitter account behind the viral Covington video, the media’s role in weaponizing tweets is being overlooked
A lesson in keeping an open heart
A man taught his girlfriend’s dog to ‘Sieg Heil’ in order to make it less cute. Mission accomplished?
A poetic, inspiring ode to a living history and identity becomes an Internet sensation
Jewish Home party’s cheeky new video kicks off Israeli election ad season
(It has nothing to do with the West Bank)
That’s what a new Chabad Passover commercial says
Sorry, Jerry: ‘Pedestrians in Bars Eating Toffee’ is funnier than the original
Instead of masking our ambivalence and discomfort, we should confront it
The problem with leaving the Book of Esther’s namesake out of the revelry
The Purim parody videos have arrived
Olivia Wise had an inoperable brain tumor
Because you can only take so much once-in-70,000 years cheer
The problem with the video of the baby crying as her mom sings to her
Democracy in Jewish America!