The power of the powerless in Israel’s fractured political landscape
A new Labor Party ticket led by two Mizrahi candidates wants to steal votes from the right with appeals to Israel’s working class, but if it fails it could kill the left’s chances for good
A sophisticated social media campaign propelled the newcomer past the party’s elite and its candidate, Amir Peretz
Once Israel’s biggest party, Labor, which elected a new head this week, is losing ground, offering left-leaning parties everywhere a lesson on how not to do politics
Amir Peretz, Tzipi Livni, and Danny Halutz—active members of the Israeli government during the 2006 Lebanon War—spoke at a conference in Tel Aviv marking 10 years since the conflict
Incumbent Shelly Yachimovich faces off against party royalty Isaac Herzog
Once-maligned Labor politician Amir Peretz explains how he saw what many decorated generals did not
This week in Israel: Fatah and Hamas come to an agreement, Palestinian police kill an Israeli worshiper in the West Bank, and the royal wedding raises flags in Modi’in
The race to head the once-dominant Israeli party heats up