The Labour Party’s Queen Esthers are fighting gales of abuse while hoping to save their island on Thursday from Jeremy Corbyn and his army of anti-Semitic trolls
Wondering about the future of the Democratic Party? Just look at Britain’s Labour.
How to deal with those who hate us? Two historical examples tell us why dialogue is to be avoided.
When you want to condemn anti-Semitism but Jews keep getting in the way
In ‘Haaretz’ and on campus, nothing but love for the embattled Labour leader
David Hirsh became an expert in the anti-Semitism of the left by starting his life there, now he fears that Jews are threatened from all sides
‘I am Jew!’
After the Labour leader allegedly fails to bother to invite the Jews
Labour continues blaming the Jews, as one lawmaker is suspended for spreading blood libels and another for saying British Jews secretly work for the Mossad
As Britain’s Jewish newspapers publish a joint editorial sharply criticizing Jeremy Corbyn and Labour
New rules permit comparing Israelis to Nazis, accusing Jews of dual loyalty, and arguing that the Jewish state is inherently racist
‘Please, please remain. The long march begins tonight.’
The comic lampooned the Labour leader, and Internet trolls soon blamed the Jews
“I’m doing it for the same reason that I joined,” wrote Jamie Susskind. “Because I’m Jewish.”
The hits keep on coming for Jeremy Corbyn’s gang
“The slogan, ‘Enough is Enough,’ could not be more apt”
Anti-Semitism is disemboweling the British left. It matters there, and here.
Jeremy Corbyn and his speechwriter both implicated