Donald Trump reminds the world that ideas have sell-by dates
A front-runner for the top White House intelligence job may be planning to run cover for the IC, sources say
History loves irony, especially in Eastern Europe
Part II: How Reagan-Bush Republicans awakened the Balrogs of economic, immigration, and identity politics that Donald Trump used to crush them
Part I: Donald Trump broke the back of the GOP establishment by driving blue-collar and lower-middle-class politics in a Southern direction. His gentry Republican critics have only themselves to blame.
Making sense of the presidential election
‘Mass deportation’ starts with the removal of illegal aliens who break the law inside our borders, whether on the streets or on campuses
The answer depends in part on what you mean by ‘Jewish’
The former president lost big on Nov. 5. But he doesn’t seem interested in leaving D.C., or American politics.
Republican activists say they have to water down the reality of their opponents’ agenda in focus groups. ‘They just don’t believe it’s true. It can’t be.‘
In a roundtable discussion, Jewish supporters of the former president talk about how Israel and antisemitism factor into their decisions, which other issues matter to them, and what they really think of their candidate
Why Tucker Carlson became America’s conspiracist-in-chief
Why is the Biden administration refusing to protect them?
It wasn’t Donald Trump, or Joe Biden
Trump is no longer just his own property
‘Israel is a country and a nation that doesn’t hate its own fucking people’
Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and stepping back into American history
Seth Barrett Tillman is an Orthodox Jewish commodities trader turned law professor living in Dublin whose ideas were recently heard by the Supreme Court. He’s also something even more unusual: a thinker whose mind hasn’t been corrupted by politics.