They’re no longer getting paid to slay by American taxpayers. Now it’s time for countries like France, Germany, and Norway to stop funding the murder of Israelis.
An anatomy of incompetence and malice
Will halt American aid to the Palestinian Authority until it suspends its pay-for-slay policies
The Palestinian Authority’s assistance program provides essential economic aid to countless impoverished families
The previously reliably pro-Israel senators have officially changed course, and it’s worth asking why
By passing a good version of the Taylor Force Act, we can stop the Palestinian Authority’s pay-for-slay program and protect American and Israeli interests
The ghoulish calculus of Abbas’s pay-for-slay program
The Taylor Force Act will help promote real peace, not more pay-for-slay
The Democratic donor is supporting the Taylor Force Act, a Republican-led effort to prevent American taxpayer money from incentivizing Palestinian terrorism