Our new Zoom event series brings performances, conversations, culinary experiences, and more directly to you
Another instance of playing partisan politics reveals how dangerously the organization has lost its way
Ted Cruz joins with Tim Kaine to speak hard truths about the past and the present
Ted Cruz replaces the Democrats’ muddled manifesto with a clear and unequivocal exploration of the hatred of Jews and its particular evils
The bipartisan initiative, led by Ted Cruz, will also look at Hezbollah, ISIS, and Al Qaeda, in an effort to curb civilian abuse by terrorist groups
Three dissents from the GOP’s rising stars reflect the growing challenges in forging a bipartisan pro-Israel consensus
In an unprecedented moment in American politics, Cruz told delegates to ‘vote your conscience’ without naming his party’s nominee
It’s been one year since Donald Trump announced his presidential bid, a prospect that grows ever scarier as the demagogue inches closer to the White House
The Texas Senator’s position that Israel should retain the contested territory is a longstanding one, and a reflection of his foreign policy iconoclasm
He came, he saw, he sang ‘Dayenu’
It’s uncertain whether Ted Cruz’s matzo-making will earn him votes, but it sure does make us laugh. Which other politicians make our list?
SNL spells out Ted Cruz’s ‘New York values’ insinuation
…and his gay ones, and black ones, and Italian ones
And Democrats shouldn’t try to make it one. Here’s why.
Presidential hopeful to receive award in May for ‘unwavering support’
Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush emerges as an early favorite for some
Presidential hopeful reportedly speaking at several swanky holiday getaways
Republican presidential hopeful gears up for 2016 with some schmoozing