‘The word Jew made no appearance in the Atlantic announcement’ of Jeffrey Goldberg’s appointment, the self-styled ‘anti-Zionist’ website complained
Associated Press picks up story from advocacy blog Mondoweiss
At least four journalists requested, did not get credentials
CODEPINK, Just Foreign Policy, ‘The Nation’ endorsing conference protest
The travel writer and the ‘Times’ effect
The left sees Occupy Wall Street and the Palestinian cause as common
Today on Tablet
Idiosyncratic and influential anti-Zionist blogger Philip Weiss has a complicated relationship with Israel, American Jewry, and himself
When the comments on the blogs of Stephen Walt, Andrew Sullivan, Philip Weiss, and Glenn Greenwald turn ugly, who should be held accountable? Plus: A Jew-baiter’s lexicon.
How media companies are using the Internet to make anti-Semitism respectable