Why the ancient ritual is the perfect antidote to personalized spirituality on demand
As days blur into one another, finding value in a Jewish ritual that gives each day its own specific meaning
In this week’s ‘Daf Yomi,’ Talmudic rabbis—debating the origins of the omer—explore the sanctity of different forms of wheat. Plus: Can seeds found in elephant dung be made clean by replanting?
Finding a sense of healing at Passover, in the wake of a child’s suicide
For two decades a fan has used the longest-running animated TV show in history to count the Omer, documenting its Jewish gags in the process
Hiring others to live the Jewish lives we can’t be bothered to lead ourselves
Lower earners give more to charity than higher earners do. Maybe it’s time we all pitch in equally.
Turning holiday haircuts into a way to help make wigs for those in need
Embracing a simple, rewarding practice devoted to Jewish moral conduct
Washington Heights barber advertises $12 haircuts for Jewish customers
Her recovery paralleled the holidays, from Purim to Passover to Shavuot
Haircuts are a Lag b’Omer tradition. Some have turned this Jewish custom into a way to help needy kids.
Cancer patients find a new perspective on the present and the future in the Jewish ritual of counting the Omer
The period between Passover and Shavuot is traditionally a time for reflection; parents would do well to reflect on just how awful most live-action TV programming for kids is