Tablet Magazine
Jewish Book of the Year

The Jewish Book Council has awarded the Jewish Book of the Year to Lee Yaron, author of 10/7: 100 Human Stories. Read here for the excerpt Tablet featured from Yaron, an Israeli investigative journalist.
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How to Be a Jew ... Who Claims Israel
Author and proud Scottish Jew Ben M. Freeman joins us to talk about his latest book, which explores the millennia-long history of Jews’ ties to Israel
February 5, 2025
Religious Literacy in America
See all in Religious Literacy in America →︎

Tablet talks about Judaism a lot, but sometimes we like to change the subject. Maggie Phillips covers religious communities across the U.S.—from Christians to Muslims, Hindus to Baha’i, Jehovah’s Witnesses to pagans—to find out what they’re talking about.
On Abortion
Hosting women about to have an abortion is the most direct, intimate mitzvah I’ve ever had the privilege to perform.
When It Comes to Becoming a Mother, Sometimes Less Really Is More
When my fertility treatments worked too well, I faced an unexpected moral quandary.
As the abortion debate heats up, Christian groups in New York—on both sides—stake out positions beyond angry rhetoric and stereotypes
The Tab
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The Minyan
See all in The Minyan →︎

Roundtables on the state of the American Jewish community, bringing together people from a shared demographic or background—everyday people with personal opinions, not experts who earn their salaries discussing these issues.
Zionism: The Tablet Guide

Anti-Semitism is not a social prejudice against Jews; it’s a conspiracy theory. In fact, it’s the oldest and most powerful conspiracy theory...
An ‘Unorthodox’ Celebration of Conversion
Listen to five years of deeply moving personal stories, audio diaries, and reported segments about Jews by choice around the world

There have always been converts to Judaism. If we follow Torah and say that Abraham was the first Jew, then his wife, Sarah, was the first c...