Tony Badran is Tablet’s news editor and Levant analyst.
Rising up from his political grave, the ex-president cements a U.S. partnership with Iran in Lebanon while Israel meekly gives up its gains
Like UNRWA in Gaza, UNIFIL in Lebanon underwrites terrorists while safeguarding the underground bases in which they store weapons and plan to murder Israelis
The Obama-Biden blueprint after Gaza
Becoming a citizen of this great nation is a divine gift, not a universal right
A Tablet roundtable about the challenges facing Israel in Gaza, Lebanon, and Washington, with Elliott Abrams, Jeremy Ben-Ami, Amiad Cohen, Michael Doran, Jon Greenwald, and Lee Smith
Accommodating overseas elites by tolerating antisemitism on U.S. campuses is part of a scheme to turn loss-leader DEI categories into profit centers
A chronicle of the Biden administration’s increasingly absurd attempts to hide its complicity in the worst mass killing of Jews since the Holocaust
Deporting people who celebrate our death, and especially those with provable ties to terrorist organizations, is simply common sense
How to feel, and what to do, one month after the massacres
How the U.S. blinded Israeli intelligence gathering efforts on Hamas and other Palestinian groups inside Lebanon
No. Because it was missing the only word that matters.
In a move from the Obama playbook, the U.S. is advancing a stealth agenda in the Middle East at the expense of its allies
Israel backpedals, while Hezbollah grows bolder
Fifteen years of U.S. aid to ‘state security’ arms like the LAF and ISF have cost American taxpayers billions while harming Israel and strengthening Hezbollah
Far from being uncooperative, Saudi Arabia under MBS is playing precisely the regional role that Obama and Biden have long demanded—only more so
Herod the Great’s alignment with the Roman empire led to both the high-point of Jewish power and the destruction of the Jewish state.
Not content with fueling street demonstrations against Bibi in Tel Aviv, the Biden administration looks to ‘Lebanonize’ Israel with a new, U.S.-funded terror army
As Netanyahu tries to manage relations with a fracturing American empire, he would do well to read Isaiah