Isaac Bashevis Singer, evil spirits, and the injustice of ‘chained women’
Different legal strategies emerge to help Jewish women whose husbands won’t grant them a religious divorce
Social media vigilantism comes to Brooklyn’s historically private Syrian Jewish community
After a five-year ordeal involving Interpol, a young Israeli woman is finally freed from the union
The pop singer’s draconian contract ties her to a man she says abused her. That’s a familiar story to some Jewish women.
Ibsen’s play unwittingly explores ever-relevant challenges of agunot
Event helps popularize halakhic agreements among Orthodox Jews
To fight the chained-wife problem, more women are insisting on a special prenup
‘Gett,’ a stellar new Israeli movie, sheds light on the plight of women crushed by a byzantine legal authority
Talmudic sages say that sinful acts—especially those committed by women—are not the rabbis’ fault
‘Chained wives,’ refused Jewish divorces by their husbands, take to social media
Group said to use violence to get Jewish men to grant their wives a divorce
Charged with conspiracy to kidnap Jewish husbands refusing their wives a get
Israeli Rabbinical Court issues groundbreaking ruling
The court case of John and Amelia Goldberg, as seen in the New York Times
Are they heroes to the wives, or religious vigilantes?
Susan Weiss started out trying to win divorce cases, but now her mission is pushing Israel’s Orthodox rabbinate to change its ways
The influential and divisive spiritual leader of Israel’s Sephardim leaves contradictory legacy