And what it has to do with Brexit
2020, 1941, and the grand-scale rollback of a shared devotion to democratic freedom
London, on the night Britain left the European Union, during a brief lull in the culture wars to allow one side its victory dance
With open anti-Semitism in Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party, and Brexit looming, some British Jews are applying for passports to Germany and other European countries their parents fled
After the fall, no sign of humility from the Student Union’s casual socialists
A small act of resistance in the middle of Soho at lunchtime
Like the West Bank in Israeli politics, Brexit presents the British with a hopeless dilemma
‘Please, please remain. The long march begins tonight.’
Naturally, his supporters quickly blame the results on a ‘Zionist plot’
‘Any attack on Jewish people…should be considered an attack on all of London’s communities and everything we stand for’
From West Midlands to Modi’in to Maryland, treating voters with disdain is a recipe for disaster
As intra-party support for Trump dwindles, the cash-strapped presidential hopeful looks to one of Israel’s greatest proponents for financial support
As the Brexit vote nears, an increasingly xenophobic, anti-immigrant discourse has emerged