A recent novel imagines a colonial Palestine in which the Jewish uprising failed and the British continued to rule
At best, Israel’s latest hit television show is plodding and predictable. At worst, it is willfully and dangerously ahistorical.
Known for right-wing politics, Vladimir Jabotinsky left an equally critical literary legacy. Hillel Halkin looks at it all.
A new exhibit and book recall the Evelina de Rothschild School, which taught Jewish girls punctuality, self-reliance—and English
A tour of the cemeteries maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission reveals oases of calm—but few living visitors
Sunday marks the anniversary of the 1946 attack on the British. My 91-year-old grandfather helped carry it out.
Yitzhak Shamir, who died Saturday, was maligned for his politics. But his bitter realism was prescient.
Jewish voters are a reliable Democratic bloc. But the Republican Party established the first platform on Israel—and brought the Democrats along.
Moshe Feldenkrais took the lessons of judo and his experiences in the Haganah and applied them to a philosophy of movement and self-defense that is long on theory and precise about technique
Israel and Jordan once worked together for peace. Now their alliance is collapsing, driven apart by the issue of refugee resettlement, and Jordan may be turning to Iran.
Rescuing refugees from a Mandate-era detention camp
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