President Chirac, Gen. Petraeus, and my 2002 report on Afghanistan
Applying U.S. lessons of counterinsurgency to the current crisis in Gaza
The general was one of few who understood that Iran was at war with the U.S., and no bargain could be struck
If he knew the truth about the CIA chief’s affair, why did he sit on it?
In this report from the future, the U.S. pulls out of the Gulf as the Saudis cozy up to Avigdor Lieberman
A Tunisia-born Jew and French officer who fought the Berbers in Algeria pioneered the counterinsurgency warfare still used in Iraq and Afghanistan
The Arab Spring has cast new light on resistance in the Middle East. A rare 2007 encounter with the leader of Iran’s Jundullah reveals the murky place held by the region’s so-called freedom fighters.
Twilight, Tom Cruise, and a lesson in Yiddish
General stirred controversy with ‘linkage’ remarks
Obama’s embrace of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan threatens both Israel and the Palestinian Authority
And struggles to find co-signers
Why do Arab governments—and the U.S.—insist the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the heart of all the Mideast’s problems?
Syria may be getting a new U.S. ambassador, but the problem of Syrian engagement is far from solved
Breaking Passover in style, the ‘linkage’ problem, and more
How Jewish conservatives blew it on Iraq and Iran
The spying charges against former AIPAC analyst Steve Rosen were dropped last year, but the anti-Israel spirit that enlivened them, he says, is stronger than ever
General thinks Israel is merely one factor in region