The Tablet news desk files daily dispatches from the convention
How Barack Obama ended normalcy in American politics
Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and stepping back into American history
Don’t let them force you to choose between being an American and being a Jew
A startling string of policy failures shows the hollowness of the U.S. foreign policy establishment and its servile wunderkind, Jake Sullivan
It wasn’t a reward for the agency’s failures in Kyiv and Kabul
The downfall of the White House’s favorite Iran whisperer is a mystery wrapped inside a cover-up
How the U.S. is working to constrain Israel before announcing its new Iran deal
Fifteen years of U.S. aid to ‘state security’ arms like the LAF and ISF have cost American taxpayers billions while harming Israel and strengthening Hezbollah
Far from being uncooperative, Saudi Arabia under MBS is playing precisely the regional role that Obama and Biden have long demanded—only more so
A China-brokered agreement with Iran shocked and dismayed Washington, whose mercurial policy gyrations are getting harder for the Saudis to understand
Amichai Chikli seeks calm, says Washington isn’t helping
The U.S.-backed anti-judicial reform protests in Israel are being shaped by the intersection of two crises, one in U.S. Iran policy and the other resulting from the rise to power of religious communities in Israel
A major Biden ally is also a top donor to the National Archives. Could private equity billionaire David Rubenstein hold the key to the White House documents scandal?
What Biden’s classified document scandal reveals about power in America
Iran’s increasingly sophisticated drone and missile strike packages are driving America’s beleaguered allies to seek protection in Beijing
On the global stage, he may just rise from the rank of a ‘caretaker’ president to one of the greats
A decade of Obama-Biden foreign policy has broken the Middle East and America’s security order