Tell it to us, and enter our contest!
Tablet Magazine’s illustrated column imagines a nudist crestfallen over the fact that he can’t dress up for Purim. Help him fulfill his dream with do-it-yourself cut-outs.
Today on Tablet
This week’s “Tell Me”
In the latest installment of Tablet Magazine’s illustrated question-and-answer column, we meet Malachi and watch as Mitzi meets an ignominious end
Contribute to Liana Finck’s ‘Tell Mitzi’ column
In the fourth installment of “Tell Mitzi,” Tablet Magazine’s illustrated question-and-answer column, Mitzi thinks about Lot’s wife and the dangers of nostalgia
In the third installment of “Tell Mitzi,” Tablet Magazine’s illustrated question-and-answer column, Mitzi learns about a funny nightmare—and engages in a metaphysical digression
Visit The Scroll each Monday for Mitzi’s unique questions
In the first installment of Tablet Magazine’s new graphic advice column, we meet Mitzi, the author’s heroine, foil, and muse