If Shavuot celebrates the giving of the laws at Mount Sinai, why doesn’t the man who delivered those laws play a larger role?
A new book makes the case that the American worldview has always been rooted in the Five Books of Moses
As the Passover story teaches us, waiting can be futile and frustrating as well as enormously productive
An excerpt from Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg’s new biography of the looming figure of Jewish culture
I’ve fought for gay rights in the courtroom and have seen same-sex marriage become the law of the land. Despite narrow interpretations, I argue the belief in God is not inimical to the concept of change.
In this week’s Torah portion, sage words of advice for the Trump-stricken GOP and sit-in Democrats alike
The captain of the Underground Railroad couldn’t have been placed on the $20 bill at a more auspicious moment
Should we continue to revere the works of Jewish leaders who act wrongfully?
In her new book ‘Bewilderments,’ Avivah Zornberg and her biblical hero explore fresh terrain
A rabbi’s take on Ridley Scott’s new blockbuster, Exodus: Gods and Kings
Who needs Christian Bale as Moses when Val Kilmer did a brilliant job in 1998?
The 1997 film looks back to the biblical Exodus and ahead to Abraham Lincoln
Reading the biblical story of Phinehas in light of recent events in Israel
Some Reform leaders see Moses as a model to ease modern tensions. But such a reading of the Torah is strained—and risky.
A Talmudic problem: Abraham lived before the law was given, so how can his actions be used to interpret the law?
The scholar, critic, and masterful translator remains dedicated to uncovering the full subtlety and intelligence of the stories in sacred texts
Beards are having their pop cultural moment, but Jews have always known the value of a furry face
And Steven Spielberg has dropped out of one of them