From social media-based propaganda to Stuxnet-style attacks, here’s what to watch for in America’s engagement with the Islamic State and others
‘Improved’ virus found in computers at three European hotels where negotiations were held
In an excerpt from ‘Nuclear Iran,’ calculating, with scientific precision, just how far Iran has come in its quest for the bomb
At least until the U.S. presidential election, Netanyahu won’t risk angering Obama
High-level leaks about the Flame virus tell us more about politics than policy
Conservatives, Senate accuse White House; White House accuses NYT
The White House wants credit for successes but blames Israel for failures, a New York Times exposé shows
But how effectively can computer viruses forestall military action?
New computer malware is the handiwork of some country
The White House has put the squeeze on Iran with a serious sanctions regime in the past few months. But for Israel, it may be too little, too late.
The Israeli leadership is at war with itself over Iran: In one corner, Bibi Netanyahu and Ehud Barak. In the other, former Mossad chief Meir Dagan.
Israel and Iran are fighting a not-so-secret clandestine war. But Israel is likely to attack Iran’s nuclear program this spring, making it official.
But could it be laying the groundwork for a second Stuxnet?
That was the half-year that was, on The Scroll
Hersh makes the case in ‘The New Yorker’
While U.N. concludes Syrian site was atomic
‘VF’ piece suggests worm may not be the panacea many hoped
Russia says yes, Science says no